Saturday, 7 January 2012

Waiting for a new year

Some folk who were standing around me on the Thames Embankment on New Year's Eve, waiting for 2012 to roll in, and the fireworks to start.

Killing the time by sketching ( me ), texting, taking ( very bad ) photos of the wheel, getting slowly drunk on rum, listening for the countdown on the radio and shoving a pushchair into my ankles.


  1. Hey - this has stopped working - so hopefully this will work. For some reason I like the 2nd one down best. Stands out from the page somehow. Think he would make a good character in crime fiction.

  2. His name is Colin. He is a crime reporter who hangs on the tails of the police and who secretly is at the centre of an organised crime ring. He's been involved in fixing dog and horse races, fencing antiques, money laundering through his IT installations sideline, and human trafficking. He is trusted and liked by the police and the criminal underworld equally. He lives with a gay partner - though he cannot admit to him that he is not gay. He has lost a precious jewelled ring given to him by his father on his death bed and everything he does is geared to wards the recovery of the ring.

  3. A sort of non-gay Gollum, in a cap.

  4. Yes.
    I never read crime fiction. So don't know why this came to me. The first association I made was the cap and horse racing for some reason.
