Thursday, 25 August 2011

2 profiles.

Another bloke's profile. Many questing lines.

This gets me thinking about where to take my sketching next. It points in a looser, more fluid direction.

Where as this one...

...implies more speed and a sort of brutalism, just chop it out, gouge it out of the paper. 

The pen as blade.

The pen as pick-axe.

The line as scar.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

The start of something beautiful

Haven't been by for ages, but work load easing off now, so swinging by.

Was on the tube a while back, and this guy got into a conversation with a girl who had sat opposite, and there seemed to be an attraction, and I wondered if this was the start of the great love of their lives.

I would like to think so.

Can you feel the chemistry ?

Monday, 1 August 2011

Commuter and itch.

I have spent the afternoon, ( well a chunk of it ) replacing suspended ceiling tiles, that had fibre glass in them, and was sweaty and dirty, and am now itchy and scratchy, ( not the sadistic animated Simpson characters.... - although they should try ceiling tiles as a form of torture ) running the whole gamut today. The glamour of it all.


So a quick post as I have a few minutes. Sketched this commuter on the tube a while back, like the legs, always good when you get the legs right.

Ah, happy days, when I wasn't so damn ITCHY !!!

Going home to shower now.